Friday, October 31, 2008
Weekly Facts Blog – November 3, 2008
2009 Dues are Now DUE!
A $20 late fee will be added on December 1, 2008; all dues must be paid no later than December 31, 2008. Dues billing for the Local, State and National Associations of REALTORS® are as follows: REALTORS® = $385; REALTOR-ASSOCIATES® = $355. Call Connie at 663-7500, if you have any questions.
This WEEK!
Thursday, November 6
Everything You Never Knew about Home Inspections
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the GTAR Training Center with Dan LaBrake. Come find out why members who have attended this class think it’s the best on home inspections. Learn what inspectors are required to do and what they should not do, how to prepare your listing for a good inspection, and much more. OREC approved for 3 hours elective CE credit; (this course is also know as Common Home Inspection Concerns). Register at online at For course details, click here.
Do You Need an Ethics Class by December 31?
If you do, you are in luck…GTAR has added two more Ethics classes to the calendar: Thursday, November 6 and Thursday, November 13, both from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. in the GTAR Training Center with Rodger Erker. These classes are FREE but you must register! Seating is limited and they are filling up. Register online at – Log in and click the Education Button on the main page. Can’t make either of these classes? Go to and take it online for free; this course will also satisfy NAR’s Quadrennial Ethics requirement and earn you 3 hours of required PSC CE credit with OREC. If you want a “live” class, TTC will be having two: November 18 and December 16 – call 828-5410 for details.
This WEEK!
Last Chance to SAVE on e-Buyer Course!
Through Friday, November 7, register for $99; after that date, the cost will be $125. E-Buyer is a one-day course that explores how traditional business practices are being changed by the emerging Internet consumer, and offers strategies to apply new technologies to provide better customer service through the entire real estate transaction. Earn 7 hours of elective CE credit from OREC; it also counts as one REBAC elective course to be applied toward the ABR designation. Don’t miss e-Buyer, Tuesday, November 11, 8:30 – 4:30 p.m. in the GTAR Training Center with national instructor, Ruth Fennell. Space is limited to 50. Register online at – Log in and click the Education Button on the main page. For course details, click here.
Wednesday, November 12
Reverse Mortgages and You!
Dispel the myths of reverse mortgages while increasing your business and assisting the 62+ client…AND, earn 3 hours elective CE credit—all for FREE, courtesy of Freedom Financial – The Reverse Mortgage Specialist; Wednesday, November 12, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in the GTAR Training Center with national instructor, Ruth Fennell. Review information on seniors’ demographics, market conditions, reverse mortgage basics, the application process, and when reverse mortgages are appropriate and when they are not. This course is FREE to members but registration is required. Register online at – Log in and click the Education Button on the main page. For course details, click here.
Keybox Reminder
We return to Central Standard Time at 2:00 a.m. on November 2, which means access for keyboxes will be 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. (not 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.).
Bring Your Talent to a 2009 GTAR/NORES Committee
We are looking for members to serve on GTAR and NORES committees for 2009. If you are interested in making a difference in the Association and the real estate industry, volunteer for a committee that best fits your skills. Your participation does make a difference! For a list of all committees, requirements, and a volunteer form, see pages 3-5 of October’s GTAR World Newsletter or click here (Reminder: If you are currently serving on a committee and would like to continue serving, you still need to submit the volunteer form.) Deadline for volunteer forms is November 14!
Reward an Outstanding GTAR Associate
Nominate him/her for GTAR’s 2008 Sales Associate of the Year! It’s easier than ever thanks to the new and improved nomination form. Brokers and Managers: Do you have an associate who is a good sales producer; has served on a GTAR Committee or assisted with GTAR functions; has been involved in charitable or civic organizations; is a good example of ethical behavior and professionalism; or continues to improve professionalism through educational courses? Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate him/her for GTAR’s 2008 Sales Associate of the Year. Just nominating your sales associate for this award will let your sales associate know that you recognize his/her efforts and reflects how highly you regard him/her. The Nominating Committee will consider all of the associates activities, contributions, and production. For a nomination form and criteria for this award, click here. All nominations must be submitted to GTAR by Friday, December 12.
Reward an Outstanding GTAR REALTOR®
Nominate him/her for GTAR’s 2008 REALTOR® of the Year! Nominations are being accepted for REALTOR® of the Year. It’s easier than ever thanks to the new and improved nomination form. Sales associates, as well as brokers and managers can submit nominations for this award. For a nomination form and criteria for this award, click here. All nominations must be submitted to GTAR by Friday, December 12.
Reward an Outstanding Commercial REALTOR®
Nominate a commercial REALTOR® for the Association’s highest honor in commercial real estate: Commercial REALTOR® of the Year. The nominee’s time must be primarily devoted to commercial real estate with transactions at least 75% in commercial. For a nomination form and criteria for this award, click here. The recipient will be announced at the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance Celebration January 30, 2009 at the Doubletree Hotel at Warren Place. All nominations must be submitted to GTAR by Friday, December 12.
Public Notification of Design Guidelines, Design Forum Events
The City of Broken Arrow has begun work to create design guidelines for the East Side Development Area. They have hired Design Workshop as consultants to guide the process and create these design guidelines. The purpose of this project is to use all the work previously done on the Master Plan as a launching point to create guidelines by which new development will be shaped in order to create an environment that is vibrant and attractive within the Broken Arrow community. For more information, click here
Keybox Key Containers
A limited number of keybox key containers are available at GTAR; the cost is $10.00. (The keybox key container is the black box where the key is kept; it slides into the bottom of the keybox). Any questions, please call Gloria at 663-7500.
OREC Commissioner Nominations
Nominations are being accepted to fill three positions on the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. Nominees may be considered from congressional districts one, three, and five. If you or someone you know would be interested in serving as a commissioner please complete the following questionnaires and return to Janie Bays at GTAR by December 5: For layperson criteria: click here; for broker criteria: click here For a map of congressional districts, click here. For OREC information, click here.
Upcoming Computer Classes at GTAR
Pre-registration is required. For more information or to enroll, log in to and click the new red Education Button on the main page. All classes are held in the GTAR Computer Lab.
Catylist Search: Monday, November 3, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
MarketLinx 1: Monday, November 10, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
MarketLinx 2: Tuesday, November 11, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
MarketLinx 3: Friday, November 14, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
REALTOR® Applications
Comments on the following REALTOR® applicants should be submitted by REALTOR® members to the Membership Committee, c/o GTAR, PO Box 470603, Tulsa, OK 74147.
James Bigelow, associated with Coldwell Banker Select (First Publication)
Mike Washburn, associated with Coldwell Banker Select (First Publication)